Open to your Aliveness!

Vocal Empowerment Blog: You Can Do It! It Takes Courage and Guts!

“You can do it! It takes Courage and Guts!” He shouts and applauds from a house above the trail that I’m running on. It’s snowing and wintery out. It isn’t taking a run in the snow that takes courage and guts for me, though. It’s to be creative and upbeat in relation to chronic pain […]

Vocal Empowerment Blog: What Are We Here For Anyway?

In any given moment in life, what’s more satisfying, to feel joyful or to feel like you’re doing a good job? Even though I decided many years ago to step OFF the stage and to stop pursuing a career as a classical singer, my experience in making music is still tied up in whether I’m […]

Vocal Empowerment Blog: It’s OK to Come Out Now

To get the most out of life, you have to engage your will.  It’s like climbing a REALLY BIG mountain. The art is to climb it with ease and joy. To go your own pace. To do it your way. To feel the ground under your feet. To take time to dip in the stream. […]