Open to your Aliveness!

I Want to Hear Your Battle Cry

The second vocal quality is called Warrior. And you’ll be excited to hear that soon I’ll be sharing a VLOG. Is there really such a thing? Yes!, and you’ll be able to hear all six vocal qualities and do a short practice with me.  All of the vocal qualities speak to healing trauma through voice. […]

To Cry is to Let Go

Crying is the body’s way of saying “I need things to move through me and not always keep them hidden, deep inside”.   When I cry…my chest clamps down…the muscles in my neck and jaw go taught …I hold my breath. My body doesn’t know yet that it’s ok to let go and have feelings […]

Movingvoice Blog: The Feeling Voice

Welcome to my Video Blog Series! I’ve decided that it’s high time to go BEYOND WORDS and share more of what I’m most passionate about – Expressive sound and movement! Liberating ourselves! This series offers you an opportunity to build your connection with your expressive, feeling voice. On this video, the first of three, I’ll lead you […]