Open to your Aliveness!

Riding Your Voice

Riding Your Voice

First, I want to apologize for disappearing for the last month. I had rotator cuff surgery and still can barely type at the computer. Rehab has given me a new relationship with my voice. I want to offer it to YOU as a way to help get through mental or physical pain and suffering. The […]

Break Out of the Box!

What’s YOUR box? What box are you keeping yourself in? Do you want to get out? I do! I want to get OUT of the box! And who’s keeping me in the box? What exactly is the box? Get it right. Be polite. Don’t do anything rude, God forbid! Look good at all costs. Sound […]

Just Open Your Mouth and Say AAAAAAAAH!

Let’s face it — life can be downright scary! It can be SO scary that it takes your breath away. I mean it — it literally takes your breath away. AND it takes your voice away too! Now, that’s a problem. We all have the right to speak! So, how do we get our voice […]

How is your Voice Holding You Back?

Heal your voice!
Free Vocal Evaluation

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