Open to your Aliveness!

The Three Quick Fixes Method

To free the voice is to free the person  Kristin Linklater In my 3 Quick Fixes Method March Newsletter, I talked about how healing is more about making space for the parts of ourselves that have been shut down, exiled, and fiercely protected in some hidden and often unconscious corner of ourselves, that it’s more about […]

Do you Remember your First Creative Memory?

I’ve been reading a book about Creativity by the dancer and choreographer, Twyla Tharp. It’s called The Creative Habit. One of the invitations in the book is to answer 33 questions to explore your Creative Autobiography.  The first question is: What is the first creative moment you remember? I have a poem that I wrote in 3rd […]

How can you get your voice back?

This blog is somewhat of a re-introduction both to who I am and to what MovingVoice Therapy is all about. I call myself an Expressive Voice Psychotherapist because I believe that our ability to express ourselves through our voice, is how we truly become more fully ourselves and how we build meaningful connections in our lives. If […]