Open to your Aliveness!

How can we “Unblock” our Voice?

Play and improvisation are at the heart of who I am and how I engage and uplift myself. It’s also at the heart of my work with clients. We heal through reconnecting with our playful spirit!  The truth is, I became overly serious as a child. The need to get things right and to excel […]

Liberate your Self and your Voice

Liberate your Self and your Voice

How do we keep our voices locked up inside? Who holds our stories? Our deep and perhaps dark secrets? Believe it or not, our bodies are often very busy holding on — sometimes for dear life! Generally, when we have tight or sore muscles, we contribute it to working too hard or even having too […]

Keep Your Voice Forever Young

More and more, I work with men and women who are aging and experiencing a loss in their vocal capacity. With many women, they find their voice gets lower and they lose their high range. With men, they lose their high voice or falsetto. And in general, the speaking or singing voice can become more […]