Open to your Aliveness!

I’m sure you’ve seen blog posts, articles, social media posts, you name it with a title like, “3 Tips on Improving your Life FAST” or “My Top 3 Tips on Succeeding in Life.” Input whatever title you want, but we’ve all come across content like this!

It’s always been difficult for me to step into that sort of ‘teacher’ role, giving 3 tips on how to improve your life.

I’m kind of allergic to it.

I hate that everybody is giving the quick fix for things that actually don’t have a quick fix. 

Don’t get me wrong I think these this type of content is all coming from a helpful mindset and sometimes it does have its place. 

The issue that I see with that sort of mentality is that it’s coming from a head, ‘Fix-It’ space. The MovingVoice perspective is that healing up wounded parts of ourselves is more about making space for these parts of ourselves and being with them.

How healing this process can be when we bring these parts into relationship with a therapist where they can finally be seen, heard, and understood.  

What are your thoughts on this concept? Do you agree? Disagree?

Respond by leaving a comment below, I’d love to start a dialogue!

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