Open to your Aliveness!

So many of us seem to grow into adulthood feeling flawed, broken and not enough. And often when we talk about why that is, we say it’s because we feel weird. 

One thing that amplifies our weirdness is having a harsh inner critic. And if you grew up in a family where you didn’t measure up, couldn’t get it right, and were criticized for doing things the best you could, it’s likely you’ve carried that harsh voice with you into adulthood. Shitty, I know. 

In searching on Google about the word weird, I found this:

Is the word weird negative? Try saying ‘word weird’ 10x fast 🙂
Being weird has generally been seen by society as a negative. It’s called you out, pointed a finger at, and perhaps even verbally abused you; generally degraded you. Just because you are you. As a society we are too quick to judge and too slow to accept one another for who we are. 

I love that last part. To be degraded, just because you are you… And the part about society not being able to accept one another for who we are. It’s so true. 

We’re all different. Being human, as far as I’m concerned, means that we are all members in the weird club. It’s just that most people try desperately to keep all that weirdness hidden. And keeping our weirdness hidden, is equal to keeping our light tamped down. 

Years ago, a good friend told me with true passion and love, that I should “flaunt my weirdness”. I’ve never forgotten this because she’s someone who I admire and it felt like it was her way of saying that she loves that about me.

It’s taken me years to understand that NOT fitting into my family of origin, which left me feeling weird and different, IS EXACTLY what my closest friends and partner love about me. I spent years striving to be like my family, constantly comparing myself and coming up short. And now, bit by bit, I’ve come to the realization that I like my way. It can be lonely at times to be different, but I have the satisfaction of knowing that I am more and more myself. 

To be weird is to say YES to who you are. To share who you truly are, with the world. To be weird is to stop thinking that other people know better about you. To be weird is to value and honor yourself. 

Take a moment to come up with 3 things that you like about who and how you are. And I’d love it if you share them with me! We’re in it together.