Open to your Aliveness!

The great thing then, in all education, is to make our nervous system our ally as opposed to our enemy.”

(William James, circa 1857.)

I know it’s a stretch to add any new practice into our lives. But what is more fundamental than how we breathe? Regulating how we breathe can have a HUGE impact on trauma, mood states, chronic pain and stress.

I’m doing a new breathing practice that I’d like to share with you. It’s called Coherence Breathing. The exciting thing is that Coherence Breathing is specifically focused on increased circulation and autonomic nervous system balance.

These tools and methods are the result of a breakthrough in the understanding of the subtle relationships between breathing, circulation, autonomic governance, and heart rate.” (Stephen Elliott)

The good news is that it’s very simple to do! And by the way, I almost always do it lying down. Sometimes I have my feet and lower legs up, resting on a chair.

I’ll share a few links here so that you can check it out for yourselves.

The Coherence website:

The CD that has the actual breathing practice on it, is called Respire 1. My favorite practice is called Coherence Breathing 2 Bells.

And finally, a good read: Healing Power Of The Breath by Drs. Richard Brown & Patricia Gerbarg

This book is replete with essential breathing practices including Coherent Breathing…It offers compelling case examples where breathing methods were employed to mitigate stress and negative emotion, sleep difficulty, phobias, anxiety, PTSD, …The book includes a CD presenting 8 breathing practices.”

I hope you’ll give it a try. Changing the way we breathe can change our lives because it broadens our capacity to handle stress and overwhelm. What could be better?