Open to your Aliveness!

Orient to the Health

Orienting to the health is an expression that I learned when I trained in Matrix Group Leadership.  This can be tricky when you have a sensitive nervous system, chronic pain or illness.  By the age of 12, I began saying over and over, “Well, it’s hard because…”  Well, it’s hard because… I’m not good at that […]

Become a Master of your own Nervous System

Often, I feel like an octopus trapped in a net. And if only I could breathe, move, stretch, push, cry, yell, express ENOUGH, I’dl free myself and be liberated from chronic pain forever.  One of the greatest challenges of healing the impact of trauma on the nervous system, is the tendency to do too much. […]

Reclaim Your Voice this Fall: The Return of MovingVoice Group Classes

We are overjoyed to announce the comeback of our cherished MovingVoice Group Classes. Opening our hearts and welcoming you back into these intimate gatherings fills us with anticipation. Our shared journey of courage, vulnerability, and transformation will stretch over eight weeks filled with revelation and growth. One of our dearest participants, Ana—an inspiring mother, nutritionist, […]