Open to your Aliveness!

Lullabies Aren’t Just for Babies

 I’m writing a series of posts that will give you a taste of the six qualities of voice that I work with to heal trauma. These qualities broaden your vocal range and empower your voice.   The first quality is called Lullaby. It teaches us how to self-soothe, to resource, and to have compassion for […]

I Want to Hear Your Battle Cry

The second vocal quality is called Warrior. And you’ll be excited to hear that soon I’ll be sharing a VLOG. Is there really such a thing? Yes!, and you’ll be able to hear all six vocal qualities and do a short practice with me.  All of the vocal qualities speak to healing trauma through voice. […]

To Cry is to Let Go

Crying is the body’s way of saying “I need things to move through me and not always keep them hidden, deep inside”.   When I cry…my chest clamps down…the muscles in my neck and jaw go taught …I hold my breath. My body doesn’t know yet that it’s ok to let go and have feelings […]