Open to your Aliveness!

Release Your Inner Animal

I ran into a student in a grocery parking lot and here’s what she said: “ I was just making sounds in my car and releasing my Inner Animal!” She said it helps to get her out of negative thinking.  I call this more primitive or primal aspect of our voice, the Cave Woman or […]

Figaro, Figaro, Figaroooo!

The third vocal quality I’d like to share is called Opera. This is good fun, and an opportunity to PLAY! Why Opera?  Opera is bigger than life. And a way to bring the very real drama of our lives into a bigger than life expression.  Opera offers us a way to engage actively and playfully […]

Lullabies Aren’t Just for Babies

 I’m writing a series of posts that will give you a taste of the six qualities of voice that I work with to heal trauma. These qualities broaden your vocal range and empower your voice.   The first quality is called Lullaby. It teaches us how to self-soothe, to resource, and to have compassion for […]